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We Actually Use WordPress!

Jesse Nickles   |  15 Mar, 2015

Do you ever check to see if a company uses their own products? I sure do. Whether its a local coffee shop whose staff only seems to drink coffee from the Starbucks located across the street, or a web hosting company who seems to “sell” technology to their customers that they don’t even use themselves… well, I tend to notice it.

Managed WordPress hosting is no different. In fact, the reason I launched LittleBizzy’s managed WordPress hosting service is because after several years of migrating from web host to web host, I was tired of dealing with over-priced, under-performing web services whose own support teams didn’t seem to understand WordPress very well. Take for instance, companies like GoDaddy, Liquid Web, DreamHost, Media Temple, WP Engine, Synthesis, Pressable, Pagely, FlyWheel, and Lightning Base (the top 10 managed WordPress hosting companies according to Google search results).

Guess how many of these “WordPress” hosting companies actually use WordPress for their own website?

The answer? Exactly ZERO.

“Selling something only to steal it back to sell again is not only dishonest, but highly profitable.”
― Jarod Kintz, This Book is Not FOR SALE

While a few of the companies mentioned above do seem to maintain a basic WordPress frontend (in case anyone checks?), absolutely none of them actively use WordPress for their website backend. In its place, they’ve clearly spent several thousand dollars developing a custom environment, while at the same time “selling” customers on the dream that free, open-source software like WordPress and WooCommerce are “good enough” for their businesses to use.

Now, I’m not here looking to make enemies, and clearly most of these companies have done something right if their steadily growing annual profits are the “measuring stick” of success. But to me, at least, something doesn’t really add up when the coffee you are selling isn’t quite good enough for your own employees to drink.

Here at LittleBizzy, we are obsessed with WordPress and WooCommerce. In fact, during my short oDesk experiment, I was ranked the #1 WordPress expert on their entire network out of more than 3 million total freelancers (although, whether that is accurate or not, I suppose we will never know!). My point is that we are here to prove that WordPress and WooCommerce are not only amazing, enterprise-capable softwares that are “good enough” for our clients, but that they are also “good enough” for us to use on our own website, too. In fact, LittleBizzy.com is hosted on one of our very own Standard plans, outperforming the competition on Pingdom for just $20/month (and that’s with WooCommerce + SSL enabled):

LittleBizzy.com – 92/100 – 0.50 seconds
GoDaddy.com – 76/100 – 1.77 seconds
DreamHost.com – 79/100 – 2.06 seconds
MediaTemple.net – 75/100 – 2.32 seconds
LiquidWeb.com – 66/100 – 1.82 seconds
WP Engine – 71/100 – 1.82 seconds
Pagely.com – 77/100 – 0.96 seconds
Pressable.com – 84/100 – 60.00 seconds
GetFlyWheel.com – 78/100 – 1.46 seconds
WebSynthesis.com – errors – 0.71 seconds
LightningBase.com – 58/100 – 1.96 seconds

Update 12 May 2015: There are a few “self-building” website tools in the news lately, let’s take a look:

TheGrid.io – 62/100 – 3.97 seconds
SquareSpace.com – 76/100 – 2.09 seconds
Shopify.com – 86/100 – 1.11 seconds

Without any further ado, please consider this our “soft” opening. Clients who sign up at LittleBizzy before the end of March 2015 can use the following coupons: FREESFTP will get you a 100% discount on SFTP Access (unlimited sites). GRIDDY will get you a 50% discount on your first SendGrid installation. Please don’t forget to add those products to your cart during checkout (you can order a monthly hosting package at the same time that you order such products).

Question before ordering? Please contact us via email. While our hosting system is 100% ready to go, our website is still working out a few janky items (i.e. mobile version, and My Account page, etc)… so, thank you for your patience!

Please note: due to high volume, our team may need up to 48 hours to get your VPS 100% up and running.

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Last modified: 12 May, 2015https://www.littlebizzy.com/?p=1815

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