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WordPress Plugins

Quality Technical SEO And DevOps Plugins For WordPress.

United Nations. Emirates Airlines. Flipkart. Thousands of the world’s biggest brands and organizations are using LittleBizzy’s innovative WordPress plugins, which are designed for either standalone or complementary usage. Become a Member today to access this incredible collection along with automatic updates and stellar customer support, or consider moving your “money site” to our market-leading technical SEO hosting to receive 100% free plugin access.


Speed Demon

A powerful bundle of lightweight tweaks that drastically improve the loading speed of WordPress by reducing bloat and improving overall efficiency.

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SEO Genius

The ultimate collection of SEO optimization features for WordPress including SERP previews, optimized HTML headers, meta description fields, and more.

Coming Soon
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Security Guard

A carefully selected security suite for WordPress that combines only the most effective methods of guarding against hackers and other common attacks.

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Force HTTPS *

Redirects all HTTP requests to the HTTPS version and fixes insecure links and resources without altering the database (also works with CloudFlare).

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CloudFlare *

Easily connect your WordPress website to free optimization features from CloudFlare, including one-click options to purge cache and enable dev mode.

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Clear Caches *

The easiest way to clear caches including WordPress cache, PHP Opcache, Nginx cache, Transient cache, Varnish cache, and object cache (e.g. Redis).

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Server Status *

Useful statistics about the server OS, CPU, RAM, load average, memory usage, IP address, hostname, timezone, disk space, PHP, MySQL, caches, etc.

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Custom Functions *

Enables the ability to input custom WordPress functions such as filters in a centralized place to avoid the dependence on a theme functions.php file.

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Great Migration

Offers the easiest way to migrate an entire WordPress site (themes, plugins, media, and database) with a single click using the standard ZIP format.

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Repo Man *

Adds GitHub search for WordPress plugins and themes to avoid WordPress.org lock-in, and supports one-click installation and automatic plugin updates.

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Stage Director *

The easiest way to safely pull your entire WordPress production site over to a temporary staging server without ever leaving the WP Admin dashboard.

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Genghis Khan

An intuitive suite of tweaks and tools for WordPress that allow you to penetrate the Great Firewall Of China and appease the communist overlords.

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PDF Invoices

Generates easy to use PDF versions of your WooCommerce invoices for legal and billing reasons, with support for email receipts and online downloads.

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Direct Checkout

Enables a direct checkout capability for WooCommerce so that your visitors can skip the shopping cart, meaning less clicks and higher conversions.

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Peer Pressure

Leverages the power of peer pressure psychology by displaying recent WooCommerce sales to current site visitors to encourage shopping cart checkouts.

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Dunning Master

Reduces customer churn and failed payments in WooCommerce Subscriptions by optimizing the dunning system (and emails) that your website generates.

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Analytics Manager

Provides a central portal for managing all popular (and custom) tracking codes to reduce bloat and to ensure that code snippets are always updated.

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Dev Tools

An invaluable connection of tools and utilities designed for the professional WordPress developer including useful server insights and other treats.

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Shortcode Manager

Allows you to centrally manage custom shortcodes for cleaner and easier web development, along with a few popular pre-coded shortcuts for widgets and more.

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Micro-Plugins Can Be Used to Improve Function Efficiency.

Most of the plugins listed below this line are "child" plugins (many users also call them micro-plugins) meaning their functionality is already included in one or more of the flagship parent plugins displayed above. This is not true in every case, but your developer can review the individual readme.txt files to determine this for you; for example, instead of installing a "parent" plugin, your team might install "micro-plugins" one-by-one instead for better efficiency...


Dashboard Cleanup *

Cleans up the WP Admin backend by disabling various core WP and WC bloat features including Automattic spam, nag notices, tracking, and other items.

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Disable XML-RPC *

Completely disables all XML-RPC related functions in WordPress including pingbacks and trackbacks, and helps prevent attacks on the xmlrpc.php file.

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404 To Homepage

Redirects all 404 (Not Found) errors to the homepage for a better user experience, less abuse from bots, and 100% elimination of Google GSC warnings.

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Duplicate Post

Easily duplicate (clone) any post, custom post, or page which are then saved in Draft mode, saving you tons of time and headache (no settings page).

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Remove Query Strings *

Removes all query strings from static resources meaning that proxy servers and beyond can better cache your site content (plus, better SEO scores).

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Disable Cart Fragments

Completely disables the AJAX cart fragments feature in WooCommerce for a huge boost in loading speed (redirect to cart page highly recommended).

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Header Cleanup *

Cleans up most of the unnecessary junk meta included by default in the WordPress header including generator, RSD, shortlink, previous and next, etc.

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Minify HTML *

Tactfully minifies HTML output and markup to remove line breaks, whitespace, comments, and other code bloat to cleanup source code and improve speed.

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Disable Gutenberg *

Completely disables the Gutenberg block editor and enables the classic WordPress post editor (TinyMCE aka WYSIWYG) for lighter coding and simplicity.

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Limit Heartbeat *

Limits the Heartbeat API in WordPress to certain areas of the site (and a longer pulse interval) to reduce AJAX queries and improve resource usage.

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Remove Category Base

Completely disables the category base from all URLs generated by WordPress so that there is no category slug displayed on archive permalinks, etc.

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Disable Embeds *

Disables both external and internal embedding functions to avoid slow page render, instability and SEO issues, and to improve overall loading speed.

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Disable Emojis *

Completely disables both the old and new versions of WordPress emojis, removes the corresponding javascript calls, and improves page loading times.

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Index Autoload *

Adds an index to the autoload in wp_options table and verifies it exists on a daily basis (using WP Cron), resulting in a more efficient database.

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Delete Expired Transients *

Deletes all expired transients upon activation and on a daily basis thereafter via WP Cron to maintain a cleaner database and improve performance.

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Virtual Robots.txt *

Replaces the default virtual robots.txt generated by WordPress with an editable one, and deletes any physical robots.txt file that may already exist.

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Disable jQuery Migrate

Easily prevent the jQuery migrate script that is included with WordPress Core from being loaded to slim down source code (for advanced users only).

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Disable Author Pages

Completely disables author archives which then become 404 errors, converts author links to homepage links, and works with or without fancy permalinks.

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Disable Search

Completely disables the built-in WordPress search function to prevent snoopers or bots from querying your database or slowing down your website.

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Export Database

Quickly and easily export your WordPress database with a single click for the purposes of migration, testing, or backup (in either SQL or ZIP format).

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Disable Admin-AJAX

Completely disables frontend access to admin-ajax.php regardless of Heartbeat settings, to avoid unwanted AJAX calls and vastly improve performance.

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Inserts StatCounter tracking code just above the closing body tag to ensure the fastest loading speed and to avoid conflicting with any other scripts.

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Google Analytics

Inserts Google Analytics code just above the closing body tag to ensure fastest performance possible and to avoid conflicting with any other scripts.

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Maintenance Mode

Minimalistic plugin with a simple one-click on/off switch and zero settings to worry about, featuring default WordPress styling without any images.

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Force Strong Hashing *

Forces all user passwords generated by WordPress to be hashed using Bcrypt, the most secure and popular PHP hashing algorithm currently available.

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Enable Subtitles

Creates a new the_subtitle function for use in WordPress posts and pages, such as for H2 subtitles, that can be used in template files or shortcodes.

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Download Plugin

Quickly and easily download a ZIP file of any plugin currently installed on your WordPress website without requiring SFTP info or fancy dependencies.

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Download Theme

Quickly and easily download a ZIP file of any theme currently installed on your WordPress website without requiring SFTP info or fancy dependencies.

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Disable WC Status

Completely disables the WooCommerce Status widget in the WP Admin dashboard to greatly improve backend performance on shops with large inventories.

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Disable WC Styles

Completely disables all of the CSS stylesheets that are loaded by WooCommerce in order that styling can be better managed by a single style.css file.

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View Defined Constants

Displays all defined constants found by PHP (and WordPress) using a simple print method that can be easily accessed under the Tools menu in WP Admin.

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Facebook Pixel

Inserts the Facebook Pixel site-wide just above the closing body tag to ensure fastest performance and to avoid conflicting with any other scripts.

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Disable Compression *

Completely disables all JPEG compression in WordPress including image uploads, thumbnails, and image editing tools, thus retaining original quality.

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Disable Empty Trash *

Completely disables the automatic trash empty for WordPress posts, custom posts, pages, and comments to avoid data loss and encourage manual emptying.

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Disable Post Via Email *

Completely disables and hides the Post Via Email feature included in WordPress Core for stronger security and to simplify the backend settings page.

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Download Media

Quickly and easily download a raw file of any media currently uploaded on your WordPress website without requiring SFTP info or fancy dependencies.

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Inline Styles

Automagically loads styles from your active theme and plugins in the site-wide head of your site as internal (embedded) CSS for faster page render.

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Disable Attachment Pages *

Completely disables media attachment pages which then become 404 errors to avoid thin content SEO issues and better guard against snoopers and bots.

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Profile Change Alerts

Sends an email both to the WordPress admin and relevant user whenever that user updates any field on their profile (also works with WooCommerce).

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301 Redirects

Easily manage all of your 301 redirects in one place to vastly improve SEO and usability, while avoiding messy solutions like htaccess rules, etc.

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XML Sitemap *

Generates a complete XML sitemap for WordPress or WooCommerce including posts, custom posts, pages, products, etc for better search engine indexing.

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Block Referrer Spam

Easily block referral traffic from specified domains or URLs who are low quality visitors or who you otherwise wish to not show up in your analytics.

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Check Email

Creates an easily accessible log of all emails generated and sent via WordPress (but not PHP), including email APIs (if used with our sister plugins).

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HTTP (Security) Headers

Displays the ID number of all posts, custom posts, pages, categories, tags, taxonomies, users, and beyond when viewing as sortable WP Admin columns.

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Disable Customizer

Completely disables the Customizer in WP Admin for websites using custom themes or that otherwise wish to hide that submenu from all WordPress users.

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Clicky Analytics

Inserts Clicky Analytics code just above the closing body tag to ensure fastest performance possible and to avoid conflicting with any other scripts.

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Inserts Clicky Analytics code just above the closing body tag to ensure fastest performance possible and to avoid conflicting with any other scripts.

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Email Log

Creates an easily accessible log of all emails generated and sent via WordPress (but not PHP), including email APIs (if used with our sister plugins).

Coming Soon
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Reset Permissions *

Resets all file and folder permissions within the WordPress architecture by executing a bash script (not included) residing outside the public root.

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Force Full Names

Forces all frontend and backend display names to show both a first and last name, and disables display name and nickname fields, to reduce confusion.

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Disable Comments

Quickly disables commenting functions site-wide without altering your database or post settings (useful during site migrations, maintenance, etc).

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Disable Email

Completely disables all email sending functions in WordPress, including messages sent by email APIs (but only compatible with our sister plugins).

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Disable Reviews

Quickly disables commenting functions site-wide without altering your database or post settings (useful during site migrations, maintenance, etc).

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Disable REST API

Completely disables the REST API in WordPress to prevent undesired data requests or connection attempts, and to help protect against various attacks.

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Hide Toolbar

Hides the frontend Admin Bar (Toolbar) for all non-admin users by default, and also enables an easy hide/show icon to provide designers a better view.

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Disable Shipping Address

Forces all frontend and backend instances of customer names in WooCommerce to be displayed with both their first and last name to reduce confusion.

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Noindex Manager

Enables centralized noindex settings to disallow search engines from indexing certain content generated by WordPress, or on individual posts/pages.

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Error Log Monitor *

Displays an organized list of server error logs in WP Admin as a Dashboard widget that can be configured to send email alerts, among other settings.

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Force Nicknames

Forces all frontend and backend instances of customer names in WooCommerce to be displayed with both their first and last name to reduce confusion.

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Force Usernames

Forces all frontend and backend instances of customer names in WooCommerce to be displayed with both their first and last name to reduce confusion.

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Disable Feeds

Completely disables all RSS, Atom, and RDF feeds generated by WordPress to simplify code and avoid aggregate indexing of feed data across the web.

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Force Email Usernames

Forces all frontend and backend instances of customer names in WooCommerce to be displayed with both their first and last name to reduce confusion.

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Disable Nicknames

Forces all frontend and backend instances of customer names in WooCommerce to be displayed with both their first and last name to reduce confusion.

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Restrict Usernames

Stops new WordPress users from registering accounts or posting comments with existing usernames, undesirable usernames, or custom defined usernames.

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Sync Profile Fields

Forces all frontend and backend instances of customer names in WooCommerce to be displayed with both their first and last name to reduce confusion.

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WooCommerce Email Headers

Easily customize the email headers (From, Reply-To, etc) in messages sent by WooCommerce to avoid confusion and better integrate with support apps.

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DNS Prefetch

Enables a centralized settings page for DNS prefetching to be customized while removing any pre-existing DNS prefetch code added by WordPress themes.

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Material Icons

Rapidly loads the latest Material Icons version using a single CSS file hosted by Google with no JS whatsoever, and disables any other MI functions.

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Live Chat Bridge

Generates a static Call To Action for visitors to open a live chat popup window to avoid calling heavy third party scripts on every single page load.

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Email Verification

Requires that new WordPress users must verify their email address by clicking a link before being allowed to login to either the frontend or backend.

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Font Awesome

Rapidly loads the latest Font Awesome version using a single CSS file hosted by MaxCDN with no JS whatsoever, and disables any other FA resources.

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Search Exclude

Easily exclude (hide) any post, custom post, or page from displaying in the WordPress search results for better SEO, usability, or privacy reasons.

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Widgets Control

Enables a vast array of options for WordPress widgets including visibility on posts or pages, custom layouts and settings, and import/export tools.

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WP Cron Control

Provides a centralized interface to view WP Cron jobs along with tools that allow you to manage, edit, or delete the scheduled queue of cron tasks.

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Limit WP Cron

Limits the interval (lock timeout) at which WP Cron can be called by WordPress in order to reduce stress on low resource or high traffic servers.

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Instant Articles

Inserts the Facebook Pixel site-wide just above the closing body tag to ensure fastest performance and to avoid conflicting with any other scripts.

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Disable Verified Owners

Completely disables the Verified Owners feature in WooCommerce to greatly improve loading speed and stabilize the database for high traffic shops.

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Display IDs

Displays the ID number of all posts, custom posts, pages, categories, tags, taxonomies, users, and beyond when viewing as sortable WP Admin columns.

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Optimization / Database Cleanup

Easily limit or disable the Heartbeat API in WordPress by managing the frequency of AJAX calls to the backend post editor to achieve better stability.

Speed Demon [?]
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View Database Indexes

Displays all existing indexes in the WordPress database tables without running SQL queries, and is easily accessed under the Tools menu in WP Admin.

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Google Maps API Key

Displays all existing indexes in the WordPress database tables without running SQL queries, and is easily accessed under the Tools menu in WP Admin.

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Create Child Theme

Displays all existing indexes in the WordPress database tables without running SQL queries, and is easily accessed under the Tools menu in WP Admin.

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WP-Config Editor

Displays all existing indexes in the WordPress database tables without running SQL queries, and is easily accessed under the Tools menu in WP Admin.

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Advert Rotate

Limits the number of login attempts to WordPress per hour to a defined number, rather than relying on logging methods that exhaust server resources.

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Limit Login Attempts

Limits the number of login attempts to WordPress per hour to a defined number, rather than relying on logging methods that exhaust server resources.

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Clear All Sessions

Purges all WooCommerce and WordPress sessions from the database (transients) for better performance, routine maintenance, or to stabilize high traffic sites.

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Reset All Passwords

Easily force all WordPress or WooCommerce users to change their password at the same time (also supports batching for very large user databases).

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Easily force all WordPress or WooCommerce users to change their password at the same time (also supports batching for very large user databases).

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Packagist Plugins

Allows for searching the Packagist directory for plugins that are compatible with Composer, the package control library for PHP (experimental).

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Connects your WordPress website with the SendGrid API to send all email over their network rather than via PHP for better security and reliability.

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Connects your WordPress website with the SendGrid API to send all email over their network rather than via PHP for better security and reliability.

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API Key Manager

Connects your WordPress website with the SendGrid API to send all email over their network rather than via PHP for better security and reliability.

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Anti Spam

Connects your WordPress website with the SendGrid API to send all email over their network rather than via PHP for better security and reliability.

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Image Smusher

Connects your WordPress website with the SendGrid API to send all email over their network rather than via PHP for better security and reliability.

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Actionable Insights

Connects your WordPress website with the SendGrid API to send all email over their network rather than via PHP for better security and reliability.

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Contact Form

Connects your WordPress website with the SendGrid API to send all email over their network rather than via PHP for better security and reliability.

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Remove Product Base

Connects your WordPress website with the SendGrid API to send all email over their network rather than via PHP for better security and reliability.

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Two Factor

Connects your WordPress website with the SendGrid API to send all email over their network rather than via PHP for better security and reliability.

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Captcha / reCaptcha

Connects your WordPress website with the SendGrid API to send all email over their network rather than via PHP for better security and reliability.

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Crazy Egg

Connects your WordPress website with the SendGrid API to send all email over their network rather than via PHP for better security and reliability.

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Comment Subscriptions

Connects your WordPress website with the SendGrid API to send all email over their network rather than via PHP for better security and reliability.

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Hide Title

Connects your WordPress website with the SendGrid API to send all email over their network rather than via PHP for better security and reliability.

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Disable Google Fonts

Allows for searching the Packagist directory for plugins that are compatible with Composer, the package control library for PHP (experimental).

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Amazon Affiliate Links

Connects your WordPress website with the SendGrid API to send all email over their network rather than via PHP for better security and reliability.

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Walmart Affiliate Links

Connects your WordPress website with the SendGrid API to send all email over their network rather than via PHP for better security and reliability.

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Regenerate Thumbnails

Connects your WordPress website with the SendGrid API to send all email over their network rather than via PHP for better security and reliability.

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Publish Preview

Connects your WordPress website with the SendGrid API to send all email over their network rather than via PHP for better security and reliability.

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Disable Archives

Completely disables the date-based archives (year, month, day) generated by WordPress for a cleaner frontend and to avoid duplicate content issues.

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Advanced Excerpts

Connects your WordPress website with the SendGrid API to send all email over their network rather than via PHP for better security and reliability.

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Opt-Ins / "Hello" bar

Connects your WordPress website with the SendGrid API to send all email over their network rather than via PHP for better security and reliability.

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All Meta Tags (or SEO Genius)

Connects your WordPress website with the SendGrid API to send all email over their network rather than via PHP for better security and reliability.

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Contact Form

Connects your WordPress website with the SendGrid API to send all email over their network rather than via PHP for better security and reliability.

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Disable Canonical Links

Allows for searching the Packagist directory for plugins that are compatible with Composer, the package control library for PHP (experimental).

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Admin-AJAX Log

Allows for searching the Packagist directory for plugins that are compatible with Composer, the package control library for PHP (experimental).

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Disable Google Maps

Allows for searching the Packagist directory for plugins that are compatible with Composer, the package control library for PHP (experimental).

Coming Soon
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Combine Web Fonts

Allows for searching the Packagist directory for plugins that are compatible with Composer, the package control library for PHP (experimental).

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InfusionSoft Analytics

Allows for searching the Packagist directory for plugins that are compatible with Composer, the package control library for PHP (experimental).

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Connects your WordPress website with the SendGrid API to send all email over their network rather than via PHP for better security and reliability.

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Scan Wrong URLs

Connects your WordPress website with the SendGrid API to send all email over their network rather than via PHP for better security and reliability.

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Disable TypeKit

Connects your WordPress website with the SendGrid API to send all email over their network rather than via PHP for better security and reliability.

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Login Redirect

Connects your WordPress website with the SendGrid API to send all email over their network rather than via PHP for better security and reliability.

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Asset Cleanup

Lets you specify which static assets to load on what URIs (posts, pages, etc).

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Google Shopping Feed

Lets you specify which static assets to load on what URIs (posts, pages, etc).

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Social Sharing Buttons

Connects your WordPress website with the SendGrid API to send all email over their network rather than via PHP for better security and reliability.

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Mini Paywall

Connects your WordPress website with the SendGrid API to send all email over their network rather than via PHP for better security and reliability.

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Block Long Comments

Connects your WordPress website with the SendGrid API to send all email over their network rather than via PHP for better security and reliability.

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Force Strong Passwords

Connects your WordPress website with the SendGrid API to send all email over their network rather than via PHP for better security and reliability.

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Connects your WordPress website with the SendGrid API to send all email over their network rather than via PHP for better security and reliability.

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Connects your WordPress website with the SendGrid API to send all email over their network rather than via PHP for better security and reliability.

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Disable Pinging *

Completely disables the Update Services feature in WordPress to stop the pinging of third party services (an outdated technology) and reduce bloat.

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Disable Certain Users

Allows for searching the Packagist directory for plugins that are compatible with Composer, the package control library for PHP (experimental).

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Disable GDPR

Allows for searching the Packagist directory for plugins that are compatible with Composer, the package control library for PHP (experimental).

Coming Soon
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Delete Old Revisions *

Limits the number of post revisions saved to your WordPress database and automatically deletes older revisions and auto-drafts via WP Cron each day.

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Disable Gravatars

Connects your WordPress website with the SendGrid API to send all email over their network rather than via PHP for better security and reliability.

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Move Comments

Connects your WordPress website with the SendGrid API to send all email over their network rather than via PHP for better security and reliability.

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Latin Slugs

Limits the number of post revisions saved to your WordPress database and automatically deletes older revisions and auto-drafts via WP Cron each day.

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Expires (Browser) Headers

Limits the number of post revisions saved to your WordPress database and automatically deletes older revisions and auto-drafts via WP Cron each day.

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Async Scripts (Javascript)

Limits the number of post revisions saved to your WordPress database and automatically deletes older revisions and auto-drafts via WP Cron each day.

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Not Recommended Free Plugins Released Due To Demand

Below are a few free plugins that we've released to the community based purely on high demand for their functionality, despite the fact that we don't recommend using them. The reason is that these are rather "hacky" solutions that have now become mainstream in WordPress; TL;DR it's much better to address the underlying issue rather than going around it...


Custom CSS

Enables adding custom inline CSS styles to any WordPress website which loads after other stylesheets and can be accessed under an Appearance submenu.

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Header Footer

Allows for searching the Packagist directory for plugins that are compatible with Composer, the package control library for PHP (experimental).

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Lazy Load

Allows for searching the Packagist directory for plugins that are compatible with Composer, the package control library for PHP (experimental).

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Hide Login

Allows for searching the Packagist directory for plugins that are compatible with Composer, the package control library for PHP (experimental).

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HTML Sitemap

Allows for searching the Packagist directory for plugins that are compatible with Composer, the package control library for PHP (experimental).

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Cookie Notice

Allows for searching the Packagist directory for plugins that are compatible with Composer, the package control library for PHP (experimental).

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Various Open Source WordPress Plugins Hosted On GitHub

Below are a few specialized WordPress plugins that are meant to be placed in the mu-plugins folder which are then loaded automatically before other standard plugins that may be installed. Thus, these scripts are available on GitHub rather than in the WordPress.org plugin directory since they must be installed manually as part of your underlying server stack...


Plugin Boilerplate

PHP boilerplate used in all WordPress plugins released by LittleBizzy that supports automatic updates for both public and private GitHub repos.

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Autoloader *

Enables standard WordPress plugins contained in a folder to be placed in the mu-plugins directory and loaded prior to others (forked from Bedrock).

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Plugin Blacklist *

Allows web hosts, agencies, or other WordPress site managers to disallow a custom list of plugins from being activated for security or other reasons.

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Superuser *

Continually ensures that a superuser exists in the WordPress database for customer support reasons or to assist with emergency user login recovery.

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SFTP Details *

Displays a small Dashboard widget to remind logged-in Admin users of their server SFTP login information for easy reference (uses defined constants).

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Complete List Of Defined Constants Supported By Our Plugins

Below is an evolving list of "defined constants" supported by our plugins (both premium and free) which can be saved to your wp-config.php file for easy management. This approach not only performs better than settings pages which must query the database, but it also allows for automated setup using Bash scripts or other Configuration Management tools...


  • define('DISABLE_NAG_NOTICES', true);
  • define('LITTLEBIZZY_API_KEY', '123456789');
Last modified: 8 Nov, 2019https://www.littlebizzy.com/?p=14151

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