New Vultr Partnership = 9 More Datacenter Options
It has been a while without a blog post, and we are crazy excited to announce that LittleBizzy has partnered up with Vultr, a fast-growing cloud VPS company, in order to launch a whopping NINE new datacenter options for our clients.
This new relationship, put together with our current DigitalOcean cloud network, increases our current number of datacenter options to an impressive 17 locations around the world. We now offer all of the following cities:
- New Yorkdo
- San Franciscodo
- Dallasv
- Atlantav
- Los Angelesv
- Miamiv
- Chicagov
- Seattlev
- Torontodo
- Londondo
- Amsterdamdo
- Parisv
- Frankfurtdo
- Singaporedo
- Tokyov
- Sydneyv
- Bangaloredo
In some cases, such as London or Amsterdam, both cloud companies have their own datacenter. In such cases, we’ve decided to only offer DigitalOcean servers, in order to keep things a bit less confusing (and, since both networks are absolutely top notch quality, it shouldn’t really matter to most end-users anyway).
Although both networks offer an extremely similar setup (and base pricing), users should know that Vultr servers are smaller as far as the amount of SSD storage space that is offered. For most WordPress sites, this shouldn’t really matter.
We decided to move forward with Vultr due to DigitalOcean’s growth strategy; although the company has amazed investors and developers alike at their unbelievable expansion, and although we have been NUMBER ONE fans since almost the beginning, DigitalOcean has recently opted to move into certain locations where other cloud providers might not be present. Because LittleBizzy aims to be the best possible managed WordPress host out there, and as our client base has expanded into places like Australia, Asia, and beyond, we simply need to be looking toward more datacenter locations.
(Plus, we don’t aim to be an AWS-bound company.)
In the case of Australia, for example, this is especially true. When LittleBizzy first launched, CloudFlare still didn’t have many edge locations in Asia, let alone Australia. Fast forward a few years and CloudFlare now has edge locations all over Asia, Australia, and even New Zealand. This means that putting client origin servers in Australia now makes more sense than ever, since CloudFlare is able to improve the loading of third party resources (i.e. a remote SumoMe script hosted in the USA… previously, Singapore made better since for an origin server location when targeting an Australian audience due to longstanding shortcomings with the DNS resolution and fiber optic infrastructure issues “down under”).
During the next several weeks, we will be steadily moving certain existing clients over to a new Vultr datacenter as appropriate. For now, most European and Middle East customers will remain hosted in the Amsterdam datacenter, and most US customers will remain on the New York datacenter. But in other cases, such as Australia, East Asia, and certain parts of the US, we will be coordinating a datacenter migration with several LittleBizzy clients.
If you do NOT wish to be migrated or feel strongly about a certain datacenter, you are welcome to let us know.
Here’s to several more years of growth and new datacenters. Cheers!