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Technical SEO & Cloud Server Experts

Do you allow adult content, cam sites, or pornography?

ANSWER: No, we don’t. While this content is usually legal in the US (where LittleBizzy is based), it tends to attract unpredictable clients that are coming and going a lot, changing domain names, redirects, partnering with other sites and is kind of a nightmare to deal with. Plus, even if we aren’t held liable for any potential illegal content, there is a much higher risk in these niches of running into legal or copyright trouble.

Simply put we don’t want to get involved in this niche for a variety of legal, copyright, ethical, and business reasons. We don’t judge the industry, but its just not really the best match for the platform we are trying to build here.

If you’re in this niche, we recommend cutting out the middleman for everyone’s sake and setting up your own cloud servers using our free script SlickStack. That way, its just you and the cloud, and nobody else has to get involved.

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