For reasons of business transparency and ethics, and ensuring abidance by U.S. FCC guidelines on advertising and endorsements:
Some of the public testimonials published on LittleBizzy.com are from our long-term clients that we have in some cases negotiated discounted hosting rates with as a thank you for the continued public endorsement. They are, however, active clients, who had already spoken publicly of their satisfaction with our hosting prior to us reaching out and offering them a long-term discount that would benefit us both. At no time does our website publish endorsements from anyone that is not an active client or that we did not already have positive feedback from prior to contacting them for this arrangement.
There should also no longer be any affiliate links on our website. In years past we did have affiliate links for some services like DigitalOcean, but we should no longer have any on our website. If you find one please let us know, because we’d like to remove any remaining affiliate links on our website.
Activity on Reddit:
- Peabody76
… more disclosure about online activity coming soon